Top Customer Contact Center Trends to Look for In 2014

Top Customer Contact Center Trends to Look for In 2014

Blog/ Customer Service/ Small Business

463140483No matter how innovative your business’s product or service is, the truth is that your company can’t exist without your customers. Customers are the lifeblood of your business, and it’s important to give them a positive experience so that they turn into loyal clients. Having a consistent and reliable customer service team is essential to a positive customer experience, and with changes in technology, it’s up to you to stay on top of the latest trends in customer contact. Read on to learn about the top customer contact center trends for 2014.

Self-Help Resources

Your customers are just as busy as you are, and may not always have the time to call you for answers to simple questions. Instead of leaving your customers in the dark or requiring them to call you for every query they have, consider improving your business’s self-help resources. Have a clearly visible FAQ section on your website that contains basic information as well as more in-depth help. Compile the questions you get most often and save your customer service team time by posting the answers in a place that’s easy for customers to get to.

Live Support

While a phone conversation with a customer service representative may help your customer, consider going the extra mile by providing live chat or video chat services. It’s more convenient for customers who spend a good deal of time on the computer and need to multitask, and video chat offers a unique opportunity for visual help for customers who are far away.


We live in a diverse world, and you’d be selling your business short to not provide customer contact options for people who speak other languages than English. Spanish-speaking customer service representatives are essential for the success of your business in today’s diverse and rapidly expanding global economy.

Take your business’s customer service to the next level with Contact One Call Center. With innovative and reliable customer service solutions ranging from appointment setting to live chat, we will represent your company with pride and efficiency. Contact us at 800-278-3347 to find out more about staying on top of customer service trends.